Join us this Sunday

We are a contemporary, growing church right in the heart of Dartford. We are the church where anyone from the street can just walk in and feel right at home. No matter how old or young you are, Net Church has something for you. We have found that knowing Jesus has totally changed our lives.

Jesus transforms people, heals, brings purpose, forgives, loves and brings hope.

Check out all that happens on our ‘What’s on’ page. We are really committed to making a difference to Dartford and the surrounding areas.

Service Times

09:30AM / 11:30AM

Venue Address

Net Church,
Spital Street, Dartford, DA1 2DL




01322 272649


Get Connected

Whether you’ve been coming to Net Church for a while, recently started attending, or made a decision to follow Jesus, we’re so glad you’re here.

There’s so many ways to get involved in church life. Join a connect group where you’ll get to know others in your local area, volunteer on a team to serve alongside others, or simply get connected so you’re always in the loop with what’s happening in church.

Wherever you’re at, we’d would love to meet you and help you take the next step.

Join A Group

Choose a group below, tap on it and register your interest.

Whats On

Click one of the events to view more or sign up where you see 

Plan Your Visit

Find all the information you need ahead of your visit from details about our Youth and Kids programs to how to get here and more. If you can catch up on our services on  YouTube.

Venue | Net Church – Spital Street

We have free car parking available on Sundays at the rear of our building (36 spaces) or you can have free parking in Westgate Car Park on Kent Road (DA1 2DH), or free car parking in Sainsburys and just use the walk through to come via our back car park (postcode DA1 2HL). These are all within 1 minutes walk from our building. We have a car parking team who will point you in the right direction and provide any assistance you require. Our venue car park is DA1 2DL.]


The following routes bring you past our Church – 409 and the 428


The nearest station is ‘Dartford’. Simply cross the bridge directly in front of the station towards The Orchard Theatre. Then turn left onto Hythe Street, turn right onto Westgate Rd, turn left onto Kent Road and walk into Spital Street. It will take 7 minutes from the station exit to Spital Street.

Our lower level is fully accessible.  There is a small decline from the entrance to the main hall.  Our welcome team are available before and after each service to assist you.

Accessible toilets can be found on the ground floor.

We believe that God wants young people to hear his voice, to be equipped and to be empowered to reach the nations for Jesus. We have an excellent youth programme running during term time for Years 7 to Years 13

7:30pm to 9:30pm

Follow us on Instagram @thunder.yth for more information about what we do or email

We have a brilliant programme for 3 to 11 year olds.  At Net Kids all children matter and lives are changed. God has a plan and a purpose for all of our children and we want them passionately to know that. We run Kid’s services Sunday term time.  Our programme is run at the Methodist Church which is across the road from Net Church.  Look out for the Net Kids banner and the team will check you in at the green door. At your first visit the team will need you to complete a from taking contact information etc from you so please do allow time for this.  Check in is from 10:40-11am.  You will be given a card which you will need to present when collecting your child.  We ask all parents and carers to keep their phones on vibrate in the main service should the team need to contact you in an emergency.  Collection is from 12:30pm at the main entrance to the Methodist church

We want to give parents and guardians the best experience possible when attending any of our services.

We have two creches available.  The lower level creche has a television feed and is near to toilet and changing facilities.  There are some toys provided.

The upper level creche is in the conference room which has a live feed from the main auditorium, as well as space to feed babies, microwave, toys & activities

It’s a warm environment where you can connect with other families in church, whilst also attending the service, and provides privacy for feeding too.

Our creches are designed for children 3 and under

As a church, we believe that children are a gift from God. (Psalm 127:3, Luke 2:22, 1 Samuel 1:11)

We hold Baby & Toddler Dedications during our Sunday services and parents are invited to the platform with their children to be prayed over by the Pastor and congregation.

Dedicating your child before Him is a way of committing your child to God, and an opportunity to celebrate with your family, your friends, and your church community.

If you would like to register your child to be dedicated in one of our services, please click here

Baptisms are an outward declaration of the decision you have made in your heart to follow to Jesus.

If you would like to register to be baptised in one of our services, please click here.

If you’ve recently made a decision to follow Jesus, getting baptised in water is a great next step in your journey of faith