Who is Jesus

This question has been asked over the centuries.  There have been countless debates about Jesus who turned the world upside down.  Some say he was just a religious leader, others say he was a good teacher or even a political revolutionary, some say he was just a good man, others say Jesus is the son of God.  But what about you – who do you say Jesus is?

That is probably the most critical question you will ever have to answer.

We believe the answer is found in the pages of the Bible. It tells us that Jesus was both man and God. He was born from Mary, his mother. The Bible tells us a great deal about his life on earth and the amazing things he did and said. The Bible also tells us that Jesus was God in human form (John 1:1-14).  He was both fully man and fully God. Jesus was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, lived an amazing sinless life (sinless means he never did anything wrong in the eyes of God the Father), but at the appointed time was crucified on a cross to pay the price for things we have done wrong.

Why is this significant?

God loves humanity so much that He sent His son Jesus to come into the world to pay the price for our wrong (the big, the little and everything in between) which was something we could not do for ourselves. His death on the cross and His resurrection means that we no longer need to be separated from God. The things that we do wrong, the things that bring us shame and guilt, do not need to have a hold on us anymore. We can have a new start when we choose to put our trust in Jesus and follow Him.

And that is the best news, ever!

Often we disqualify ourselves because of our shortcomings, our past and our failures.  We know as human beings there are things in our past that we did and said that we are not proud of. These things separate us from God. Doing good things will not get us into heaven, it isn’t about self improvement or being a ‘good’ person. What Jesus accomplished on the cross means that He paid the price for those wrongs and that when we put our trust in Jesus, nothing can separate us from God’s love. Only God has the power to set us free from our guilt, shame and condemnation and instead give us the fullest life that we can ever live.  All we have to do is trust and follow Jesus.

You can choose to follow Jesus right now by praying this prayer:

“Dear Jesus,  I ask you to come into my life.  I am sorry for all of the mistakes that I have made and I ask you to forgive me.  Thank you that you died on the cross for me and that by dying on the cross you took all of my shame and wrongdoings upon yourself.  Help me to get to know you.  Help me to trust you and know your love towards me.  In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

If you prayed this prayer we would love to hear from you and help you in your journey of getting to know Jesus more.


A Place To Explore.

Alpha is an opportunity to explore the big questions of life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. We intentionally create a relaxed and low-pressured atmosphere so no question is ‘off the table’ and everyone is welcome. Alpha has been running all over the world for the last couple of decades in churches, pubs, prisons and homes where nearly 30 million people have taken part and loved the experience.


Talks that make you think.

Alpha runs across 6 sessions. We meet each week to enjoy some food and refreshments before sitting down to watch a video from the film series.  We then gather around tables to discuss what we’ve heard, ask questions and explore more.

We are passionate about the Bible and that we all as disciples of Jesus have a great grasp of the word of God.  We run courses throughout the year.  To join the next course simply check the church calendar and your my churchsuite.

Jesus told us to preach the Gospel.  We have created this course to help you feel more confident in sharing your faith, how to tell your story and avoid Christian jargon.  To join the next course simply check the church calendar and your my churchsuite.

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